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Company Registration

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We also provide services in document preparation such as :-

With Quality in mind

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- Preparation of Fundable investment proposals.
- Preparation of project proposals.
- Preparation of Procurement and bid documents.
- Processing of NGOs and CBOs registration documents.
- We help you get your business registered with the Uganda Business registrar.
- Preparation of Company profile.
- Preparation of strategic plans
- Conducting market research, writing research proposals.
- Conducting Monitoring and Evaluation of projects (M&E)
- We also avail you with a current list profile of potential local and international funders for your project
- Plus the A to Z of business ideas.

Preparation of grant winning project proposals

Get your project Funded. You have probably written a thousand of proposals for your organization and nothing has ever secured funding, then there is a missing link in the way you prepare your project proposal document. At Crystal Website hosting, we provide a solution for your project funding problem, we have a team of experienced and highly qualified staff that prepares your individual or organizational proposal based on the funders interests.

Preparation of Business Plans, Bankable business loan plans
A business plan is the eye of any business , it tells you where you are, where you want to go, how you will reach there and how to know that you have reached . so why not have one.
Are you starting a business?, do you have one or you are expanding the existing one ? . Then you need a good articulated business plan that will enable you to succeed in you business. Remember failure to plan is planning to fail. As you can imagine putting together all you requirements of a business will benefit your business in the long run. It is clear that going through the process of writing your own business plan will help you shape where your business is going to be in several years time. At Crystal Website hosting, we help you to plan your business from the beginning to the end and enable you to have a mirror focusing your business operations throughout. Then why not get one prepared by a team of our business experts at Crystal Website Hosting.

Preparation of Procurement and bid documents.
Is your Company intending to bid for government tenders, Contracts, or being on the list of prequalified companies to supply goods and services to the Government of Uganda. Are you looking for procurement professional help? at Crystal Web site hosting, we have a team of professional procurement experts who will guide your Company to secure / win lucrative contracts from Government and international Agencies

Processing of NGOs , Company registration and CBOs registration documents.
Do you want to have your NGOs or community based organization registered and recognized by the Government and the international community? Do you have troubles in registering your organization? Why not work with professionals. At Crystal Website hosting we help you in preparing all the documents that are required to have your organization registered , submit them to relevant authorities and have your organization registered in a shortest period possible while you site back and relax . So why not entrust you organizational needs with us.

Processing investment documents
Are you a foreign Investor interested in Uganda? All companies and new investors are likely to have some legal or administration requirements - this could be just to register your company. Other legal requirements might be to get a special licence in order for you to trade legally, you might want to trademark your products or require patents to protect your ideas. A lot of these types of thing can cost a lot of time if you don’t get a third party to do them for you, but the reality is that most of the time a little research and you can do them yourself saving you a lot of hard earned cash. Of course the trade off is that these things require researching into and therefore if your time is a premium it can be cheaper to get a professional to do the jobs for you. And that why you need our professional help

At Crystal Website Hosting, We conduct Market and Socio Economic research for your company and organization, Monitoring and Evaluation M&E, Feasibility studies, investment proposals, and corporate strategic plans.
For all your Business, company and organizational needs, let us think and plan together

Crystal Website Hosting

Plot 16B Martin Road Old

Kampala Next Metro Fm

Email: sales@crystalwebsitehotsing.com

Email: crystalwebsitehotsing@gmail.com


+256 704 63 50 44
+256 777 50 61 26

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Crystal Website Hosting provides enterprise hosting and server services at amazing prices. Don't see something that suits your needs? Get a free custom quote from one of our hosting experts.

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